In-Home Respite Assistance

Nicholas Community Action Partnership

In-Home Respite Program

In-home respite services are available to caregivers of any age caring for individuals age sixty or older that are at-risk or frail.  Respite offers relief to family caregivers and, at the same time, provides one-on-one attention and individualized activities for the car receiver.  Individuals may qualify for up to 12 hours of Respite care per week.  Individuals must be given the opportunity to contribute to the cost of the service; however, no one can be denied service due to inability or unwillingness to contribute..

General Program Requirements


Care recipient can not be eligible for Medicaid assistance.


Care recipient must be 60 years or older.


Care giver must be unpaid.

About NCAP In-Home Respite Care Workers

Nicholas Community Action Partnership In-Home Respite services are provided by a qualified and properly trained individual, with the exception of the spouse or primary caregiver of the care receiver.

Contact Nicholas Community Action Partnership

Reach out to NCAP for more information about programs and services